Ferebee Farm

Jumbo Chickens on Sale and More!

Pork is back in stock!

All cuts are available, including pork chops, boston butt roasts, tenderloins, hocks, shanks, bacon, and sausage!

Sausage flavors available are medium and hot breakfast sausage, kielbasa, and two new flavors: jalapeño & cheese, and longaniza (gourmet hot dogs).

Up to 20% off Jumbo Pastured Chickens!

Our butcher was so busy during the holiday season that our last group of broiler chickens was harvested 6 weeks later than normal. As a result, we now have extra large pastured chickens available!
These birds are between 8 and 13 lbs on average, almost as big as turkeys!! 😲
Perfect for feeding a crowd, they would be great roasted, smoked, or fried.
Because they are taking up so much room in our freezers, we're running a special sale for February: $3.25/lb for orders of less than 5 chickens, and $3.00/lb for 5 or more. That's 13-20% off!! (normal price is $3.75/lb)

We have 50 of these jumbo birds available, so get yours before they're gone!

Upcoming Events

Spring Old Town Farmers Market
Every Saturday, March-May 8 am-12 pm
129 Oakland Ave, Rock Hill, SC
Join us for the first annual Spring market at Legal Remedy Brewing! Every Saturday morning from 8am to 12pm you can find fresh produce and farm products from local vendors.
For more details, follow the weekly market updates on Facebook.
Ferebee Farm Sheep Shearing 2018
Saturday, April 7th
531 Neely Store Rd, Rock Hill, SC
Ferebee Farm's Sheep Shearing Day will be held Saturday April 7th, weather permitting. Watch as our rare Gulf Coast Native sheep get their spring "haircuts" and see our baby lambs. We will be shearing the "old fashioned way" by hand with blade shears.
Mark your calendars! Stay tuned for more details!

Now Accepting 2018 Turkey Reservations!!

Pre-order a Ferebee Farm turkey for Thanksgiving! (or Christmas!)

Our turkeys are raised on pasture, enabling them to consume copious amounts of green grass and bugs. They are fed a locally-grown, non-GMO grain ration to supplement their pasture. We never give our turkeys any antibiotics or other drugs. The high amount of green forage in their diet results in high levels of beta carotenes and Omega-3s in the final product.

There is a limited number of reservations available, so do not delay!
The turkeys will be harvested October-November; you will be notified when yours is ready.

Freezer Clearing Sale on Fatback!!

To help make space in our freezers for lamb next month, fatback is going on sale for just 50¢/lb! (minimum order 20 lbs at this price)
We have fresh fatback available sliced and blocked as well as sliced dry salted fatback (salt pork).

Fatback, especially salted fatback, can be cooked with vegetables for added flavor; it is particularly good with beans or greens such as collards or kale.

Fresh fatback can be rendered into lard.
Pastured lard is the second highest food source of vitamin D after cod liver oil, it is heart healthy and is high in omega-3 fatty acids. For more info on the health benefits of lard from pasture raised pigs, visit: https://empoweredsustenance.com/lard-is-healthy/

Use lard in place of oil for frying/sauteing, and in place of shortening for baking. Lard is the "secret ingredient" for making perfect, flaky pie crusts and biscuits.

How to make lard:

Chop the fat into a large pot, add a cup of water to keep the fat from scalding. Cook at a steady medium heat on the stove. As the fat melts, you can begin to remove the melted lard with a ladle.

Filter the lard with a fine mesh strainer or cheesecloth into your containers (I used widemouth glass jars). If you want to, you can fry the chunks that remain to make cracklins. Lard will keep almost indefinitely in the refrigerator.

You can also follow these instructions from Polyface Farm for rendering in a crockpot: http://polyfacehenhouse.com/2009/05/how-to-make-lard/

10 lbs of pork fat will make about 3-4 quarts of lard.

Farm News

Our next group of heritage feeder pigs arrived earlier this week, these little porkers are a Tamworth/Red Wattle cross. This group will be ready to harvest mid summer, just in time to restock on sausages!

All the rain we have had recently has created an enormous amount of mud, so once the pigs are trained to the electric fence, they will get to move into a fresh (and dry) forest paddock.

Until then, they are enjoying making their temporary pen a royal mess!
Our market lambs are scheduled to be harvested mid-March, so lamb will be in stock by the end of March/beginning of April.
They will graze a crop of forage turnips, clover, and wheatgrass along with supplemental alfalfa after being on hay all winter to finish them for the last few weeks before harvest.
Because our oldest ram was getting picked on by some of our mischievous younger buck goats who like to pull and chew on his wool, we got him a coat to protect his fleece. "Brattonsville Mason," also known as Tarheel, now looks like he could get a new job as the UNC mascot!
He seems very proud of his new attire. 😂
Lambing and kidding season is almost upon us! We're expecting the first kids and lambs to start arriving by the end of the month. Keep an eye out for pictures!!

Want to purchase our products online?

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Ferebee Farm is a vendor on the Catawba Fresh Market, an online farmer's market serving York, Lancaster, Chester, and Union counties.
Thank you all for supporting our farm!

If you have any fun ideas, suggestions, or recipes you would like to share, please let us know by replying to this email. Questions and comments are welcome! See y'all at the farm!

We are available most weekdays, call or text (803) 554-4305 if you want to drop by.
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